pntd.0009046.s003.docx (17.77 kB)

Table comparing Desk Review method of cholera hotspots classification with SaTScan and GTFCC methods.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-19, 18:54 authored by Moise Chi Ngwa, Chikwe Ihekweazu, Tochi Okwor, Sebastian Yennan, Nanpring Williams, Kelly Elimian, Nura Yahaya Karaye, Imam Wada Bello, David A. Sack

*The current hotspot in the Nigeria National Strategic Plan of Action on Cholera Control (NSPACC) is based on the desk review method, which have more LGAs than SaTScan and GTFCC methods. We note that Garko, Kibiya, Rogo, and Ajingi are not hotspots LGAs according to SaTScan and GTFCC methods and that Gwarzo and Tofa classified by Desk review as medium priority and the top most priority (T1) following SaTScan and GTFCC. In addition, six out of the 15 LGAs classified as low priority by the Desk Review are high priority (T1) according to SaTScan and GTFCC.

