pone.0278569.s005.docx (31.2 kB)

Susceptibility of ICU-attributable bacterial isolates from clinical samples (n = 790) to chlorhexidine and octenidine (all species) stratified by chlorhexidine and octenidine susceptibility.

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-12-14, 18:28 authored by Luisa A. Denkel, Tobias S. Kramer, Frank Schwab, Jennifer Golembus, Solvy Wolke, Petra Gastmeier, Christine Geffers

Chlorhexidine and octenidine susceptibility of bacterial isolates were reported as binary variable (chlorhexidine / octenidine MIC of bacterial isolates ≥ species-specific chlorhexidine/ octenidine MIC50 (yes / no). aP-values were reported for comparisons between chlorhexidine/ octenidine MIC50 ≥ species-specific chlorhexidine/ octenidine MIC50 = “yes” or “no”. b percentage of columns. c percentage of rows. P-values < 0.05 were interpreted as significant (*). n, number. (%), percent.

