pone.0293845.s008.docx (49.14 kB)

Summary of tgOvARQ endpoint dilution bioassay.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-02, 17:55 authored by Charlotte M. Thomas, M. Khalid F. Salamat, Christopher de Wolf, Sandra McCutcheon, A. Richard Alejo Blanco, Jean C. Manson, Nora Hunter, E. Fiona Houston

BH, brain homogenate; dpi, days post inoculation; NA, not applicable; Proportion of positive mice = the number of mice that scored positive for prion infection (by western blot and/or IHC)/total number of mice in that cohort. a Log10 ID50 units (± standard error) calculated according to Spearman-Kärber method, Eqs (1) & (2). b an estimate of the number of ID50 units per g of brain.

