pone.0262173.s005.docx (15.72 kB)

Summary of fatty acid content of cell culture media used in this study.

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-20, 18:26 authored by L. Madison Kirk, Charlotte Mae K. Waits, Alexander C. Bashore, Beverly Dosso, Allison K. Meyers, Antonio C. Renaldo, Thomas J. DePalma, Kelli N. Simms, Nathaniel Hauser, Chia-Chi Chuang Key, Charles E. McCall, John S. Parks, Susan Sergeant, Carl D. Langefeld, Aleksander Skardal, Elaheh Rahbar

Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were extracted and quantified using GC-FID. Means and standard error of the mean are reported of the mass of fatty acid per 200 ul volume of media. Standard media refers to Williams-E media with FBS and contains significant amounts of ARA and other PUFAs. For the purpose of this study Control and LA media were formulated using lipoprotein deficient fetal bovine serum (FBS) to obtain a tighter control over PUFA content.

