pgen.1009524.s006.docx (15.35 kB)

Statistical significance between the desiccation responses of PAO1 and mutant strains.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-04-19, 17:35 authored by Stuart D. Woodcock, Karl Syson, Richard H. Little, Danny Ward, Despoina Sifouna, James K. M. Brown, Stephen Bornemann, Jacob G. Malone

Predicted means and standard errors of log10(CFU/ml) for desiccation assays in Figs 9 and 10, calculated by linear mixed modelling (see text for details). The response to desiccation is the difference between log10(CFU) at 100% and 75% RH. P-values were calculated by Z-tests using the normal distribution.

