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Stabilized Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Dual-Comb Sources with a Hybrid Locking

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Version 2 2024-01-05, 19:07
Version 1 2024-01-05, 07:44
journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-05, 19:07 authored by Yiran Zhao, Ziping Li, Xuhong Ma, Kang Zhou, Wen Guan, Chenjie Wang, Shumin Wu, Han Liu, Wenjian Wan, J. C. Cao, Ya Zhang, Heping Zeng, Hua Li
Frequency combs show various application potentials in high precision spectroscopy, imaging, communications, and so on. In the terahertz (THz) region, semiconductor-based quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are good candidates for frequency comb and dual-comb operations. THz dual-comb sources can be obtained by beating two THz QCL combs with a slight difference in the repetition frequencies. A free-running THz dual-comb source normally shows relatively large phase noise, which strongly hinders its high precision applications. Different approaches, e.g., digital algorithms, active phase locking of one dual-comb line, self-reference techniques, etc., have already been employed to stabilize THz dual-comb sources. Up to now, a complete locking of a THz dual-comb source using hardware locking elements has never been demonstrated. Here, we propose a hybrid locking method to simultaneously stabilize both dual-comb offset and repetition frequencies of a THz QCL dual-comb source. Experimental results demonstrate that the stability of all dual-comb lines is improved significantly when the proposed hybrid locking is applied to the dual-comb source. Under the hybrid locking condition, the measured “maxhold” dual-comb line width can reach a record of 5.7 kHz. Furthermore, the recorded time trace of the dual-comb signal shows pulse-like behavior during a large time scale of 100 μs, which verifies that the proposed method functions well for an active locking of a THz QCL dual-comb source.
