pone.0291267.s008.pdf (1.15 MB)

Sequence alignment and RNA interactions of S. cerevisiae PUS1 and E. coli TruA.

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-08, 18:41 authored by Sebastian Grünberg, Lindsey A. Doyle, Eric J. Wolf, Nan Dai, Ivan R. Corrêa Jr., Erbay Yigit, Barry L. Stoddard

The conserved catalytic aspartate at position 134 in PUS1 and position 60 in TruA is indicated by a yellow box. RNA-interacting residues are highlighted in green (PUS1) and magenta (TruA) (top panel). Distribution of RNA-contacting residues in the protein-subunit interface for PUS1 (left) and TruA (right; bottom panel).

