Research_Paper_Secure_LinkP2P[1].pdf (779.34 kB)

SecureLink P2P using WebRTC

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-24, 05:45 authored by Prateek Kumar SinghPrateek Kumar Singh


Peer-to-peer (P2P) file transfer applications have become increasingly popular due to their efficiency and direct data exchange capabilities. However, ensuring the security and privacy of data in such decentralized systems remains a significant challenge. This research paper introduces the SecureLink protocol, a special approach that leverages Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) technology to enhance the security of P2P file transfers while maintaining the benefits of direct peer-to-peer communication. The SecureLink protocol is build upon the foundation of WebRTC, a standardized framework for real-time communication in web browsers, to establish secure connections between peer devices. This paper presents a detailed examination of the process of designing. This paper further explores practical approach for the application of the SecureLink protocol, including secure data sharing, collaborative environments, and decentralized content delivery networks. This research contributes to the advancement of secure peer-to-peer communication, offering a promising avenue for secure data exchange while harnessing the power and convenience of direct connections in decentralized networks.


P2P is a file sharing technology, allowing the users to access mainly the multimedia files like videos, music, games, etc. The individual users in this network are referred to as peers. The peers request file from other peers by establishing a TCP or UDP connection. Secure link P2P is a technology that uses encryption to secure the communication between peers in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. This helps to protect the privacy of the users and the data that is being shared. P2P networks are decentralized networks that do not have a central server[26]. This makes them more vulnerable to security attacks, as there is no single point of control. It helps to mitigate this risk by encrypting all communication between peers. It can be used to secure a variety of P2P applications, such as file sharing, instant messaging, and VoIP. It can also be used to secure P2P networks that are used for business purposes, such as supply chain management and collaboration[18-22].

How P2P Works :-

  • A P2P networks allow computer hardware and software to communicate without the need for a server. Unlike client-server architecture.
  • The peers directly interact with one another without the requirement of a central server.
  • Now when one peer makes a request, it is possible that multiple peers have IP address of all those peers. This is decided by the underlying architecture supported by the P2P systems.
  • By means of one of these method client peer can get to know about all other peers, which have the requested file and the file transfer take place directly between two peers. P2P file sharing and blockchain both promote decentralization. Building a system that leverages these technologies allows us to contribute to the development of systems that are less reliant on central authorities, which can be important for security, privacy, and censorship resistance.


In this project, we embarked on a comprehensive exploration of the integration of WebRTC technology into a peer-to-peer (P2P) file transfer system, aiming to revolutionize the way data is shared and distributed. Our journey through the various project phases has revealed the transformative potential of this integration. At the outset, we delved into the fundamental principles of P2P computing, emphasizing the ideals of equal participation, resource sharing, and hybrid network architectures. This conceptual foundation not only guided our project but also showcased the essential elements required for efficient P2P systems. The pivotal integration of WebRTC marked a watershed moment. With WebRTC, a protocol designed for lightweight browser-to-browser communication, we eliminated the reliance on centralized servers. This step aligned seamlessly with the core tenets of P2P architecture, offering a direct and efficient means of sharing information. To bolster the security of our file transfer mechanism, we introduced a special encoding method. This innovative approach involved randomized shuffling of data packets and robust SHA-256 encryption. By doing so, we fortified our system against potential security threats, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of transferred files. Throughout the project's lifecycle, rigorous testing and validation were paramount. We conducted meticulous unit and integration testing, coupled with comprehensive security assessments. These phases were instrumental in guaranteeing the robustness and reliability of our integrated P2P and WebRTC architecture. Deployment and user training followed, democratizing the power of our innovative system. We conducted user training sessions to empower individuals to harness the capabilities of direct browser-based P2P file transfers, making the technology accessible to a wider audience. In the maintenance and updates phase, we recognized the importance of continuous optimization and security enhancements. Routine maintenance and the prompt application of security updates ensured that our system remained resilient and adaptable in the ever-evolving landscape of web technologies. In conclusion, our project represents a pioneering effort in the domain of distributed file sharing through Web-based P2P mechanisms. It serves as a testament to the transformative potential of WebRTC and P2P integration, not only in the realm of file sharing but also in shaping the future of Internet of Things (IoT), smartphones, cloud computing, and even space science. While communication gaps between real-time communication (RTC) and P2P may persist, we remain confident that innovative solutions, such as NPM libraries, can bridge these divides. Our project stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities that emerge when cutting-edge technologies converge, opening doors to new horizons in distributed operating systems and beyond
