pone.0257720.s003.docx (23.21 kB)

Sampling locality information and habitat characteristics.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-27, 17:23 authored by Amy P. Bogolin, Drew R. Davis, Richard J. Kline, Abdullah F. Rahman

Site information and habitat characterization data for the 42 localities where drone surveys were conducted for Pseudemys gorzugi throughout southwestern Texas, USA. Sites were classified as waterbody type (M = mainstream, T = tributary, R = reservoir), spring-fed (Y or N), presence of aquatic vegetation mats (Y or N), woody debris (Y or N), trees (Y or N) and shoreline vegetation of ca. 2 m or greater (Y or N). For all categories Y = yes and N = no. Site numbers correspond to Table 1 and Fig 1.

