pone.0296928.s003.docx (1.21 MB)

SLC4A11 protein expression in SLC4A11 V2WT, V3WT, V2MU, V3MU and SLC4A11-/- empty hCEnC lines.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-22, 18:26 authored by Doug D. Chung, Angela C. Chen, Charlene H. Choo, Wenlin Zhang, Dominic Williams, Christopher G. Griffis, Paul Bonezzi, Kavya Jatavallabhula, Alapakkam P. Sampath, Anthony J. Aldave

SLC4A11 protein expression was detected by capillary immunoblot and results are shown in electropherograms. SLC4A11 (with a calculated molecular weight of ~100 kDa) was detected within broad plateaus that start from ~100kDa to molecular weights above 200kDa. The broad molecular weight range of the detected SLC4A11 protein could potentially be explained by the presence of SLC4A11 glycosylation and/or dimerization. GAPDH expression (blue peaks at the 38–41 kDa range) was also detected for loading controls.

