pone.0253062.s003.pdf (279.33 kB)

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-08, 17:32 authored by Varsha Thakur, Juliano Tiburcio de Freitas, Yuan Li, Keman Zhang, Alyssa Savadelis, Barbara Bedogni

A) LaminB1 (red) and MT1-MMP (green) expression in MDA-MB-231 expressing shGFP or shMT1-MMP. B) BrdU (green) and RAD51 (red) nuclear localization of the cells in A. % colocalization: shGFP: 24% +/- 3; shMT1-MMP: 4.25% +/- 0.8 (ImageJ). Magnification: 60X for both A and B.

