pone.0290684.s002.docx (315.53 kB)

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-13, 18:31 authored by Amir Dadrasi, Mehrdad Chaichi, Alireza Nehbandani, Abdollatif Sheikhi, Fatemeh Salmani, Ahmad Nemati

Rainfed agricultural land (this area was obtained from the total area under cultivation of wheat, barley, chickpea, and rapeseed) (A), wheat cultivation area in the current condition (B), the area than can be considered to increase the area under wheat cultivation (the difference between A and B) (C) according to courtiers and climate zones. These maps are drawn in the main cultivation climates and in the courtiers that have the highest possibility of developing the cultivation area. Darker yellow color means increasing the surface area.

