pone.0246750.s002.pdf (390.83 kB)

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-25, 18:47 authored by Jérémy Grandhaye, François Lecompte, Pascal Chartrin, Maryse Leconte, Antonella Riva, Alix Barbe, Éric JeanPierre, Erika Caldas-Silveira, Patrice Ganier, Marine Chahnamian, Christelle Ramé, Joëlle Dupont, Pascal Froment

(A) Representative picture of computerized tomography analysis of the tibia (red). (B) The kinetic of the cortical percentage of the tibia volume was quantified by computerized tomography (C) The bone quality was assayed by measurement of the elasticity and bone breaking strength (Newton) of the 37-week-old tibia (n = 20 animals/group). The bone breaking strength was measured using an Instron testing machine (model 5543; Instron S.A., Guyancourt, France). The bone stiffness (slope of the linear part during the flexion test) was also determined. The distance between the two fulcrum points (the length over which mechanical tests were performed) was 6 cm, and the deformation speed was 5 mm/min. Results are presented as means ± SEM. *, p < 0.05. **, p < 0.01.

