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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-25, 17:32 authored by Stacy Tessler Lindau, Jennifer A. Makelarski, Chaitanya Kaligotla, Emily M. Abramsohn, David G. Beiser, Chiahung Chou, Nicholson Collier, Elbert S. Huang, Charles M. Macal, Jonathan Ozik, Elizabeth L. Tung

Table A. Agent-Based Model Parameters, Description, Values and Sources of Values. Table B. Demographic Characteristics of the Synthetic Population (N = 802,191) Generated Using Data From the Synthetic Populations and Ecosystems of the World; Chicago, IL 2016–2018. Appendix A: Summary Model Description following the Overview, Design concepts and Details (ODD) Protocol (Grimm, 2020). Table C. Common parameter values and ranges for direct versus social dosing experiment runs. Table D. Varied parameter settings experiment runs. Table E. Direct versus Social Dosing Experiment Results. Appendix B. Geographic Spread by Dosing Source.

