pone.0297687.s003.docx (22.82 kB)

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-25, 18:41 authored by Laura Stalter, Megan Terry, Alex Riley, Austin Leeds

Generalized linear mixed model outputs for predictors of home range size (A), core area size (B), utilization distribution overlap index (UDOI) (C), degree during all seasons (D), degree during the cold season (E), and degree during the warm season (F). CA-CA refers to core area to core area overlap, HR-CA refers to home range to core area overlap, and HR-HR refers to home range to home range overlap. Bolded variables denotes statistical significance (P ≤ 0.05) for predictor variables. Parameter estimates with ‶-″ are compared to remaining variable conditions within each predictor variable.

