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RpoS-Lac recovery from phosphate starvation depends on RpoS.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-11, 17:44 authored by Sophie Bouillet, Issam Hamdallah, Nadim Majdalani, Arti Tripathi, Susan Gottesman

A) The RpoS-Lac fusion protein is inactive for transcription. The plasmid pSB23 bearing a transcriptional fusion between the RpoS-dependent promoter PgadB and mCherry (full description of the fusions and method of measurement described in S4 Fig) was introduced in strains containing RpoS-Lac in the presence (SG30013) and absence of RpoS (INH28). The loss of the mCherry signal upon deletion of rpoS confirms that the fusion protein is not able to activate an RpoS-dependent promoter. B) Western blot showing RpoS and RpoS-Lac stabilization and degradation during phosphate starvation and recovery in the strains containing the RpoS-Lac translational fusion in the presence of RpoS (strain SG30013), and in the absence of RpoS (INH28). The protocol is as in Fig 1, with chloramphenicol added to stop translation. C) Quantitation of RpoS and RpoS-Lac half-life during phosphate starvation from Western Blot as shown in S2B Fig (n = 3). (D) Quantitation of RpoS and RpoS-Lac half-life during recovery from phosphate starvation, from Western Blot as shown in S2B Fig (n = 3).

