pone.0299238.s001.docx (19.54 kB)

Results of the phenolic compounds of Theobroma cacao L. against DENV-3 NS5 RdRp protein with their respective docking energy value and interacting residue in the binding site.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-14, 17:24 authored by A. K. M. Moyeenul Huq, Miah Roney, Amit Dubey, Muhammad Hassan Nasir, Aisha Tufail, Mohd Fadhlizil Fasihi Mohd Aluwi, Wan Maznah Wan Ishak, Md. Rabiul Islam, Saiful Nizam Tajuddin

Results of the phenolic compounds of Theobroma cacao L. against DENV-3 NS5 RdRp protein with their respective docking energy value and interacting residue in the binding site.
