pone.0240765.s008.docx (12.63 kB)

Results of AICc value for model selection.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-13, 17:25 authored by Jianchen Yang, Jack Virostko, David A. Hormuth II, Junyan Liu, Amy Brock, Jeanne Kowalski, Thomas E. Yankeelov

Model 2 is the complete model described by Eq [1]–[5]. In Model 1, all the terms involving kbys is removed, while in Model 3, any term involving kd is removed. In the first calibration, the measured live and dead tumor cell time courses are independently fit to the model to produce separate estimates for each model parameter. In the second calibration, all the parameters are treated as global parameters. In the third calibration, kbys is considered as a local parameter while the other parameters (kp, kd, and v) are treated as global parameters.

