ppat.1011936.s008.pdf (152.97 kB)

Residues involved in hexameric interactions in the WT NECA/B, WT NECC/D, and NEC-SUPUL31 lattices.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-16, 18:30 authored by Elizabeth B. Draganova, Hui Wang, Melanie Wu, Shiqing Liao, Amber Vu, Gonzalo L. Gonzalez-Del Pino, Z. Hong Zhou, Richard J. Roller, Ekaterina E. Heldwein

Interfaces between UL31 and UL34 (boxes shaded in teal) and between UL34 and UL34 (boxes shaded in dark green) were analyzed using PDBePISA analysis [38]. Residues unresolved in the structures are indicated as NR.

