pone.0234535.s003.pdf (1019.73 kB)

Representative images of EC-ethanol and ethanol injections in nude mice.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-28, 19:00 authored by Corrine Nief, Robert Morhard, Erika Chelales, Daniel Adrianzen Alvarez, Ioanna Bourla BS, Christopher T. Lam, Alan A. Sag, Brian T. Crouch, Jenna L. Mueller, David Katz, Mark W. Dewhirst, Jeffrey I. Everitt, Nirmala Ramanujam

Mice after 100 μL injection of either A) EC-ethanol or B) ethanol alone into flank tumors. Nude mice used to show blanching and redness. Images taken approximately 5 minutes after injection.

