pone.0252948.s004.docx (95.33 kB)

Representative image of the cells after infection with A. fumigatus conidia and dual acridine orange and ethidium bromide staining.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-09, 17:43 authored by E. M. Keizer, I. D. Valdes, G. Forn-Cuni, E. Klijn, A. H. Meijer, F. Hillman, H. A. B. Wösten, H. de Cock

Green cells represent cells that are alive (L), where the acridine orange can bind the double stranded DNA. Orange cells are apoptotic cells (A), where the acridine orange can bind the RNA or single stranded DNA. Red cells are cells where the ethidium bromide can enter indicating that they are necrotic (N).

