pone.0296968.s017.docx (53.85 kB)

Reporting/Quality scores for studies with data from individuals with LBP: Available from IPD.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-24, 18:40 authored by Mansour Abdullah Alshehri, Hosam Alzahrani, Wolbert van den Hoorn, David M. Klyne, Albert H. Vette, Brad D. Hendershot, Brad W. R. Roberts, Christian Larivière, David Barbado, Francisco J. Vera-Garcia, Jaap H. van Dieen, Jacek Cholewicki, Maury A. Nussbaum, Michael L. Madigan, Norman Peter Reeves, Sheri P. Silfies, Stephen H. M. Brown, Paul W. Hodges

Reporting/Quality scores for studies with data from individuals with LBP: Available from IPD.
