pone.0259203.s003.pdf (84.91 kB)

Relative importance of features in the classification process.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-04, 17:35 authored by Alberto Garcia-Zamalloa, Diego Vicente, Rafael Arnay, Arantzazu Arrospide, Jorge Taboada, Iván Castilla-Rodríguez, Urko Aguirre, Nekane Múgica, Ladislao Aldama, Borja Aguinagalde, Montserrat Jimenez, Edurne Bikuña, Miren Begoña Basauri, Marta Alonso, Emilio Perez-Trallero

The Random Forest classifier allows estimating the relative importance of each variable in the classification process. In view of the results, and in accordance with all the previously reported studies, in this classification process, “ADA” is the most important variable, followed by “age”. The rest of the variables are less useful, but we decided not to remove any of them a priori, but rather let each Machine Learning method assign a relative importance to each of them.

