pone.0290598.s003.pdf (98.13 kB)

Relationship between time since last antibiotic exposure and key study variables.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-23, 18:27 authored by Jeffrey Letourneau, LaShawndra Walker, Se Hyang Han, Lawrence A. David, Noelle Younge

Plots of time since last antibiotic exposure (in days) against pH (A) or redox (B) for all infants in the study who received antibiotics at some point (n = 10 participants), faceted by duration of the initial (post-birth) antibiotic exposure. Linear mixed models of the form birth_weight + day_of_life + postnatal_abx + days_off_abx + (subject as random effect): for pH, days_off_abx p = 0.54; for redox, days_off_abx p = 0.22.

