pone.0298333.s004.docx (15.61 kB)

Redundancy analysis (RDA) output (adonis, 999 permutations), comparing years blocked into three periods (03–08 T1, 09–14 T2, 15–21 T3) based on relative biomass and community traits (Hellinger transformed).

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-26, 18:28 authored by Sebastian Theis, Andrea Chreston, Angela Wallace, Brian Graham, Brynn Coey, Don Little, Lyndsay Cartwright, Mark Poesch, Rick Portiss, Jonathan Ruppert

Redundancy analysis (RDA) output (adonis, 999 permutations), comparing years blocked into three periods (03–08 T1, 09–14 T2, 15–21 T3) based on relative biomass and community traits (Hellinger transformed).
