pbio.3001494.s003.pdf (2.13 MB)

Raw images of western blots shown in S4A Fig.

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-06, 18:24 authored by Vera Belyaeva, Stephanie Wachner, Attila Gyoergy, Shamsi Emtenani, Igor Gridchyn, Maria Akhmanova, Markus Linder, Marko Roblek, Maria Sibilia, Daria Siekhaus

Three original uncropped western blots of St 11 embryo extracts from srpHemo-moe::3xmCherry expressing either CD8::GFP (ctrl) or DfosDN in macrophages. Rightmost western blot also contains a w- lane. Top row shows blots probed with an mCherry antibody, bottom row the same blots probed with a profilin antibody as a loading control. Cropped versions of the blots are shown in S4A Fig.

