pone.0248176.s001.docx (165.04 kB)

Raw data inputs and computed values for the COVID-19 Testing Index (CovTI) on June 3, 2020.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-05, 18:37 authored by Anthony C. Kuster, Hans J. Overgaard

Raw data inputs, key epidemiological indicators, multipliers, factors, and sub-indices used to compute CovTI on June 3, 2020 among included countries and territories (n = 165). Further details of each variable are described in the text. C = cases, D = total deaths, R = total recovered, A = active cases, P = population (in millions), T = total tests, CFR = case fatality rate, TPR = test positivity rate, mdemsys = multiplier to account for health system capacity and democratic transparency, f1 = factor 1, f2 = factor 2, Inf = true number of infections, Prev = Estimated Period Prevalence = Inf /P, Act = proportion active cases = A/C, DR = detection rate, DRsi = Detection Rate sub-index, TPsi = Test Positivity sub-index, CFsi = Case-Fatality sub-index ACsi = Active Case sub-index, CovTI = COVID-19 Testing Index. OECD = Organization for Economic Development member, BRIC = Brazil, Russia, India, and China.

