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Rapid RpoS recovery from phosphate and from glucose starvation requires Crl.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-11, 17:44 authored by Sophie Bouillet, Issam Hamdallah, Nadim Majdalani, Arti Tripathi, Susan Gottesman

A) Western blot against RpoS showing RpoS degradation during recovery from phosphate starvation in the strains WT, crl-R51A (SB148) and Δcrl (SB147), primary data for Fig 5A. Experiment was performed as described in Fig 1A. B) Western blot against RpoS showing RpoS degradation after glucose starvation in the WT and Δcrl (SB147) strains, primary data for Fig 5B. Experiment was performed as described in Fig 1. C) Western blot and quantification of RpoS degradation during phosphate starvation in WT, crl-R51A (SB148) and Δcrl (SB147) strains. Experiment was performed as described in Fig 1A. D) Western blot and quantification of RpoS degradation during glucose starvation in WT and Δcrl (SB147) strains. Experiment was performed as described in Fig 1A. E) RpoS half-lives in MG1655 and Δcrl (SB147) strains during (stress) and after (recovery) phosphate starvation and glucose starvation as determined in experiments shown in Figs 5A, 5B, S5A, S5B, S5C and S5D. RpoS half-lives correspond to the time at which half of the t0 RpoS protein disappears in a chase assay. ND: Not determined.

