pone.0278980.s008.docx (16.07 kB)

Random effects results from multivariate models.

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-12-12, 18:33 authored by Ali-Mohamed Nassur, Oussama Daanouni, Gwenaelle Luc, Alexandra Humphreys, Lenka Blanarova, Grace Heymsfield, Firmin Kouassi, Suvi T. Kangas, Dieynaba S. N’Diaye

For each indicator, several random effect mixed models were tested and compared to find the best model according to the AIC criterion. Different random-effect combinations were tested: country alone, cluster alone, cluster and country, and cluster nested in country. For Global Acute Malnutrition and Moderate Acute Malnutrition (WHZ, MUAC and indicators combined), the best model was the one with cluster nested in country. For Severe Acute Malnutrition, the best model was the one with cluster alone. Cluster: the smallest geographic units in each country. WHZ: Weight for Height Z-score; MUAC: Mid-upper Arm Circumference. cGAM: combined Global Acute Malnutrition; cMAM: combined Moderate Acute Malnutrition; cSAM: combined Severe Acute Malnutrition. Std. Dev.: Standard deviation. * Conditional modes of the random effects.

