pgen.1009784.s003.pdf (107.17 kB)

Proportion of different junction types is not proportional to available DNA during library preparation.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-31, 17:31 authored by David A. Ellis, Félix Reyes-Martín, María Rodríguez-López, Cristina Cotobal, Xi-Ming Sun, Quentin Saintain, Daniel C. Jeffares, Samuel Marguerat, Víctor A. Tallada, Jürg Bähler

Pie charts showing numbers of junctions between mitochondrial and nuclear (green), mitochondrial and mitochondrial (purple), and nuclear and nuclear (orange) DNA in simulated data (left, based on read depth at mitochondrial DNA and nuclear chromosomes) and in measured data (right).

