pone.0297232.s003.pdf (256.13 kB)

Principal Components Analysis (PCA) performed on the representatives of the Herpotrichiellaceae family with genome metrics as factors.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-14, 18:25 authored by Martín R. Ide-Pérez, Ayixon Sánchez-Reyes, Jorge Luis Folch-Mallol, María del Rayo Sánchez-Carbente

Mash genomic distance, ANI, AAI, POCP. Analysis based on Correlations. Variances were computed as SS/N-1. Missing Data deletion: Casewise. No. of active Factors: 4; No. of active cases: 93. Eigenvalues: 2.84348 .830461 .314132. 011930. NSP: Non-Separable Data.

