pone.0257404.s004.docx (11.21 kB)

Post-assessment instrument item analysis*.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-10, 17:43 authored by Adam J. Kleinschmit, Elizabeth F. Ryder, Jacob L. Kerby, Barbara Murdoch, Sam Donovan, Nealy F. Grandgenett, Rachel E. Cook, Chamindika Siriwardana, William Morgan, Mark Pauley, Anne Rosenwald, Eric Triplett, William Tapprich

*n = 373. Item Difficulty: #number of correct responses divided by the number of total responses. Item Discrimination: lower group (bottom 27%) percent correct subtracted from the upper group (top 27%) percent correct. Point-biserial correlation: correlation between score on an item and total score on the exam. Avg. Post—Avg. Pre: average pre-assessment score subtracted from average post-assessment score for each item.

