pone.0252921.s003.docx (18.05 kB)

Population characteristics.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-10, 17:38 authored by Virginie Doyen, Francis Corazza, Hoa Nhu Thi, Thanh Le Chi, Carine Truyens, Carole Nagant, Hiep Tran Thi Mong, Jean-Francois Fils, Phuong Thi Ngoc Huynh, Olivier Michel

(✻): Medical history: HW+: stroke, steatosis 2, hypertension, hepatitis B; HW-: hypertension 3, digestive bleeding, dengue, lithiasis, valvulopathy, Basedow disease. Comparison of proportion was tested with Pearson Chi-square test and comparison of mean with t-test. (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, ***p<0.001).

