pone.0246247.s003.docx (254.45 kB)

Pharmacokinetic analysis of the metformin data.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-02-18, 19:45 authored by Isabelle H. S. Kuan, Luke C. Wilson, Jed C. Leishman, Samuel Cosgrove, Robert J. Walker, Tracey L. Putt, John B. W. Schollum, Daniel F. B. Wright

S1 Fig. Schematic of the published Duong et al model. S2 Fig. Model fit (pcVPCs) for the Dunedin data (top) and Middlemore data (bottom). S2 Table. Parameter values for the final published metformin model by Duong et al. S3 Table. Parameter values estimated from the Dunedin and Middlemore data.

