pone.0245661.s003.docx (28.97 kB)

Path length and sway area of schizophrenia subgroups (early-term disease, ETD, n = 12, middle-term disease, MTD, OE n = 8, CE n = 9, and late-term-disease, LTD, n = 7) and control group (CG, n = 25) in open eyes (OE) and closed eyes (CE) conditions during the stabilometric exam.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-19, 18:43 authored by Valentina Presta, Francesca Paraboschi, Filippo Marsella, Valeria Lucarini, Daniela Galli, Prisco Mirandola, Antonio Banchini, Carlo Marchesi, Laura Galuppo, Marco Vitale, Matteo Tonna, Giuliana Gobbi

Data are shown as Mean ± Standard Deviation.

