pone.0287893.s007.docx (21.63 kB)

Pairwise dissimilarities of parasite communities between contexts for animal-human interaction and host genera of trafficked monkeys.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-07, 18:25 authored by A. Patricia Mendoza, Ana Muñoz-Maceda, Bruno M. Ghersi, Micaela De La Puente, Carlos Zariquiey, Nancy Cavero, Yovana Murillo, Miguel Sebastian, Yohani Ibañez, Patricia G. Parker, Alberto Perez, Marcela Uhart, Janine Robinson, Sarah H. Olson, Marieke H. Rosenbaum

This table shows the Sorensen dissimilarity indexes obtained through pairwise comparisons of the parasite communities composition found at different context and different monkey genera.

