pone.0259897.s011.pdf (51.02 kB)

PPA and effective population size change during the past 60 kyr.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-16, 18:33 authored by Toshiyuki Hayakawa, Masahiro Terahara, Naoko T. Fujito, Takumi Matsunaga, Kosuke M. Teshima, Masaya Hane, Ken Kitajima, Chihiro Sato, Naoyuki Takahata, Yoko Satta

(A) PPAs and effective population size changes obtained roughly from the PSMC smoothed curve [16]. (B) PPAs and effective population size changes obtained roughly from the PSMC unsmoothed curve [16]. As for PPA, relative difference as compared with LWK is shown. As for effective population size change, relative difference as compared with BEB is shown.

