pone.0253687.s003.docx (12.21 kB)

PCR efficiency and the coefficient of determination for assays across seven- and five-log-scales.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-24, 17:34 authored by Steffen Grann Jensen, Samantha Epistolio, Cesilie Lind Madsen, Majbritt Hauge Kyneb, Alice Riva, Alessia Paganotti, Jessica Barizzi, Rasmus Koefoed Petersen, Michael Børgesen, Francesca Molinari, Renzo Boldorini, Jan Lorenzen, Erik Sørensen, Ulf Bech Christensen, Estrid Høgdall, Milo Frattini

Abbreviations: Ct, Cycle threshold; EGFR, Epidermal growth factor receptor.

