pone.0254466.s007.pdf (684.71 kB)

Original DNA agarose gel images for the ChIP analysis Fig 5C.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-31, 18:46 authored by Ting-Yun Chen, Xiaoyun Li, Gillian C. Goobie, Ching-Hsia Hung, Tin-Kan Hung, Kyle Hamilton, Harinath Bahudhanapati, Jiangning Tan, Daniel J. Kass, Yingze Zhang

Agarose gel images from the gel electrophoresis for the Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis shown in Fig 5C. 1 = input, 2 = IgG, 3 = JUN antibody, C = PCR Control, CL = control fibroblast. Molecular weight markers are included for each gel.

