pgen.1009407.s011.docx (21.52 kB)

Observed genetic interactions between αSyn and the hypomorphic alleles of essential genes from the DAmP collection.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-03, 18:40 authored by Blagovesta Popova, Dan Wang, Christina Pätz, Dagmar Akkermann, Diana F. Lázaro, Dajana Galka, Miriam Kolog Gulko, Markus T. Bohnsack, Wiebke Möbius, Katherine E. Bohnsack, Tiago F. Outeiro, Gerhard H. Braus

The first column indicates the standard gene name; the second column indicates the systematic gene name. The third column gives a brief description of the protein’s function according to Saccharomyces genome database (SGD). “Score” represents the fitness of growth, calculated as ratio of the colony area of αSyn expressing strains to corresponding vector control on plates with galactose-inducing medium. The value is mean of four independent screens. The table lists hits with score < 0.85 and standard deviation < 0.05. Genes identified in both yTHC and DAmP screen are indicated by *. 76 out of 84 genes have human orthologs, indicated in the last column.

