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Novel biomarkers and protein-protein interaction of chordoma

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Chordoma, also known as notochordal sarcoma, is a rare bone sarcoma occurring within the spine or the base of the skull in relation to notochords.

Notochordal sarcoma is the tumor of the notochords which explains the pathology of chordoma. Its poor prognosis has introduced several research perspectives. With an incidence rate of less than 1.0 case per million annually and a male-to-female ratio of 2:1, chordoma accounts for 1-4% of all primary skeletal tumors. Due to its locally invasive slow aggressive behavior, chordoma is mostly diagnosed between the ages of 40 to 75, although it can affect anyone. While more research is required, a higher prevalence is suggested within individuals of European ancestry. About 300 new cases are reported annually in the United States. More attention is required on research and treatment as the cancer accounts for 20% of primary spinal tumors and 3% of all bone tumor.
