pgen.1011103.s006.pdf (1.06 MB)

Myc regulates Chinmo expression (Related to Fig 7).

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-21, 18:59 authored by Syeda Nayab Fatima Abidi, Felicity Ting-Yu Hsu, Rachel K. Smith-Bolton

(A) Merge of anti-Nubbin, anti-Myc and anti-Chinmo immunostaining in an R24 control (w1118) disc. (A’-A”) Same disc as (A) showing anti-Myc and anti-Chinmo immunostaining, respectively. (A”’) Same disc as (A) showing an enlarged merge of anti-Myc and anti-Chinmo immunostaining. (B) Merge of anti-Nubbin, anti-Myc and anti-Chinmo immunostaining in an R24 UAS-Myc/+ disc. (B’-B”) Same disc as (B) showing anti-Myc and anti-Chinmo immunostaining, respectively. (B”’) Same disc as (B) showing an enlarged merge of anti-Myc and anti-Chinmo immunostaining. (C) Quantification of Chinmo and Myc fluorescence intensity in R24 control (w1118) (n = 13) and R24 UAS-Myc/+ (n = 14) discs. Area for fluorescence intensity measurement was defined by the elevated Myc expression domain in the wing pouch. Note that Myc and Chinmo expression co-localize. (D-E) Scatter plot showing correlation between Myc and Chinmo expression levels at R0 (D) and R24 (E). Pearson correlation coefficient for R0 = 0.93 and R24 = 0.94. (F) Quantification of Chinmo fluorescence intensity in undamaged discs dissected 31 hours after animals were shifted to 30°C on day 7 AEL. Control (+; rnGAL4,GAL80ts/+) (n = 14) and UAS-Myc (UAS-Myc/+; rnGAL4, GAL80ts/+) (n = 14). Area for fluorescence intensity measurement was defined by the Myc expression domain in the wing pouch. (G-H) Anti-Chinmo immunostaining in an undamaged control disc (G) and an undamaged UAS-Myc/+ disc (H). (I) Quantification of fluorescence intensity from the UAS-mCherry-chinmoUTR transgene in control (n = 16) and brat/+ (n = 15) R24 regenerating discs. Area for fluorescence intensity measurement was defined by Nubbin expression. (J) Quantification of wing discs with Ct expression patterns at R72 categorized as complete, almost complete, about half, almost absent, or absent in brat1/+ (n = 10), brat1/+, chinmo1/+ (n = 17), control w1118 (n = 10), and chinmo1/+ (n = 8) regenerating discs. (K) Quantification of the fraction of each disc margin that expressed Ct. Genotypes and n same as in J. Error bars represent SEM. Student’s T-test used for statistical analyses. Scale bars are 100 μm, unless stated otherwise.

