pone.0287893.s009.docx (22.28 kB)

Model selection results for parasite richness among captive primates in Peru.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-07, 18:25 authored by A. Patricia Mendoza, Ana Muñoz-Maceda, Bruno M. Ghersi, Micaela De La Puente, Carlos Zariquiey, Nancy Cavero, Yovana Murillo, Miguel Sebastian, Yohani Ibañez, Patricia G. Parker, Alberto Perez, Marcela Uhart, Janine Robinson, Sarah H. Olson, Marieke H. Rosenbaum

This table summarizes the generalized linear models (GLM) and generalized linear mixed effects models (GLMM) built to evaluate the contribution of population characteristics to parasite richness. Models ranked by Akaike’s information criterion with small-sample correction (AICc). Statistics include number of parameters (K), log-likelihood (−2LL), difference between AICc of each model and the best model (ΔAICc), and evidence ratio (wi/w1). Models listed under each heading are included in the 95% confidence set.

