pone.0254798.s006.pdf (44.39 kB)

Model parameters held constant for all case studies.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-12, 19:11 authored by Sarah F. Poole, Jessica Gronsbell, Dale Winter, Stefanie Nickels, Roie Levy, Bin Fu, Maximilien Burq, Sohrab Saeb, Matthew D. Edwards, Michael K. Behr, Vignesh Kumaresan, Alexander R. Macalalad, Sneh Shah, Michelle Prevost, Nigel Snoad, Michael P. Brenner, Lance J. Myers, Paul Varghese, Robert M. Califf, Vindell Washington, Vivian S. Lee, Menachem Fromer

All model parameters not listed here or in the main text can be calculated from these values using the formulae in S1 Table. See S2 File for a discussion of how these values were selected.

