pone.0261681.s007.pdf (535.71 kB)

Model agreement for the experiments not shown in Fig 4, with overlaid in vivo experiments.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-31, 19:00 authored by William Lövfors, Jona Ekström, Cecilia Jönsson, Peter Strålfors, Gunnar Cedersund, Elin Nyman

Estimation data and model simulations, for the original data (e.g. used in Fig 3). In all panels, solid lines represent the model simulation with the best agreement to data, the shaded areas represent the model uncertainty, and experimental data point are represented as mean values with error bars (SEM). (A-C), in vivo time-series experiments. (D-F), in vitro dose-response experiments. In all subfigures, horizontal bars indicate where stimulations were given. In (A-C), light/dark grey bars indicate low/high adrenergic stimulus (1/10 μM adrenaline or 0.1/1 μM isoproterenol) with or without phentolamine (phe; 100 μM), black bars indicate stimulation with insulin (0.6 nM). In (D-F) grey bars indicate stimulation with isoproterenol (10 nM). In the in vivo experiments, experiments with adrenaline are shown in light blue (A-C), with isoproterenol in purple (B), and with the combined stimulation with adrenaline and phentolamine in green (C). In the in vitro experiments (D-F), increasing doses of insulin were given together with 10nM isoproterenol in all points except one. The point without isoproterenol got no stimulus and is shown to the right in the graphs.

