pone.0291399.s002.pdf (53.58 kB)

Mixed effects analysis tables for the indicated parameters.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-17, 18:26 authored by Mélina R. Doucet, Angela M. Laevski, Jérémie A. Doiron, Luc H. Boudreau, Marc E. Surette

Comparisons of disease phases (day 0, day 8, day 14) over the full 23 hours, or over the 7pm-7am period were analyzed by 1-way repeated measures analyses. Comparisons of disease phases (day 0, day 8, day 14) over the different times of the night were performed by 2-way repeated measures analyses. All data were analysed by fitting a mixed effects model since data were missing at day 0 for two of the eight animals.

