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Metalated 1,3-Azaphospholes:  Structure and Reactivity of 2-Lithio-1-methyl-1,3-benzazaphosphole, an Isolable −PC(Li)−NR Heterocycle

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journal contribution
posted on 2002-02-05, 00:00 authored by Joachim Heinicke, Kinga Steinhauser, Normen Peulecke, Anke Spannenberg, Peter Mayer, Konstantin Karaghiosoff
The preparation, NMR data, a crystal structure, and the reactivity of isolable 2-lithio-1,3-benzazaphospholes are described. The compounds are or belong to the most stable PCLi species, although they lack steric congestion. Reactions with organoelement or organometal halides W(CO)6 as well as with CO2 or benzophenone allow access to various novel functionally substituted 1,3-benzazaphospholes (2-R = SnMe3, Fe(CO)2Cp, C[W(CO)5]OLi(THF)3, CPh2OH, PPh2, P(O)Ph2). The crystal structure of the tungsten-carbene derivative is described. Attempts to lithiate and functionalize a 1,3-benzazaphosphole P−W(CO)5 complex failed, but reactions of 1-methyl-2-stannyl- and 1-methyl-2-phosphino-1,3-benzazaphosphole with W(CO)5(THF) furnished examples for a 2-metalated benzazaphosphole P−W(CO)5 complex and the preferred complexation of the phosphino substituent, respectively. The considerable upfield shifts of the 31P NMR signals after complexation of the low-coordinated phosphorus atom by W(CO)5 attest that the ligands are stronger acceptors than donors.
