pone.0252537.s007.doc (48 kB)

Mann-Whitney U test examining the effect of the duration of ATB administration in days on DS rates.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-01, 17:29 authored by Konstantinos Rounis, Dimitrios Makrakis, Chara Papadaki, Alexia Monastirioti, Lambros Vamvakas, Konstantinos Kalbakis, Krystallia Gourlia, Iordanis Xanthopoulos, Ioannis Tsamardinos, Dimitrios Mavroudis, Sofia Agelaki

On the left side are the days on ATB of the patients that experienced PD and on the right side the days on ATB of those who had DS (PR or SD) as response to ICI administration.

