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Magnetic Fluorescent Delivery Vehicle Using Uniform Mesoporous Silica Spheres Embedded with Monodisperse Magnetic and Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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journal contribution
posted on 2006-01-25, 00:00 authored by Jaeyun Kim, Ji Eun Lee, Jinwoo Lee, Jung Ho Yu, Byoung Chan Kim, Kwangjin An, Yosun Hwang, Chae-Ho Shin, Je-Geun Park, Jungbae Kim, Taeghwan Hyeon
We synthesized uniform pore-sized mesoporous silica spheres embedded with magnetite nanocrystal and quantum dots. The magnetic separation, luminescent detection, and controlled release of drugs were demonstrated using the uniform mesoporous silica spheres embedded with monodisperse nanocrystals.
