pgen.1009316.s009.docx (16.74 kB)

List of 8 overlapping differentially expressed genes 48 h after Xcc inoculation in Atalantia and sweet orange.

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-25, 18:43 authored by Xiaomei Tang, Xia Wang, Yue Huang, Ling Ma, Xiaolin Jiang, Muhammad Junaid Rao, Yuantao Xu, Ping Yin, Meng Yuan, Xiuxin Deng, Qiang Xu

Note: fold-changes of gene expression level (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads, FPKMs) were normalized to the FPKM of the control (inoculation with sterile water at 48 h). ‘-’ indicates down-regulation.

